Algebra Teacher
Peabody School, Charlottesville, Virginia
[email protected]
I teach Algebra at Peabody School in Charlottesville and greatly enjoy running the Peabody Math Club and coaching Peabody’s AMC8 and MathCounts teams.
On weekends, I run my education business, Blue Ridge Boost. We offer coding classes and math tutoring to K-12 students.
Internships and Summer Schools
DeepSpec Summer School, Princeton University, 16 – 27 July 2018.
Visiting Researcher, INRIA Paris, 8 May – 4 August 2017.
Program for Women and Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study — Surfaces, orbifolds and knots, IAS, May 2008.
Outreach Activities
FIRST LEGO League Jr. — Team Lead Coach/Mentor, 2018 – 2020 seasons.
GeekGirl@UVa — organizer. July 14, 2018.
Cville Math Circle — cofounder and teacher, Feb 2016 – March 2020.
Mentor of a 4th year undergraduate in the Engineering Graduate School Mentor Program, May 2018.
Outreach Coordinator, GradSWE at the University of Virginia, May 2018
Volunteer family mentor with International Rescue Committee, Jan 2010 – Jan 2011.
Volunteer tutor at Johnson Elementary School; Jan 2010 – May 2010.
Volunteer tutor at Charlottesville High School. Sept 2007 – June 2008.
Founder and Organizer of Security Reading Group at UVA, Jan 2006 – May 2006.
Mentoring Committee Chair of ACM-W chapter at the University of Virginia, Sep 2006 – May 2006.
Conference Publications
Is Rust Used Safely by Software Developers?
[Source Code] [Video Presentation] [pdf]
Nora Evans, Bradford Campbell, and Mary Lou Soffa.
Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020).
When Good Components Go Bad: Formally Secure Compilation Despite Dynamic Compromise
[pdf] [15 cites]
Carmine Abate, Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Roberto Blanco, Ana Nora Evans, Guglielmo Fachini, Catalin Hritcu, Théo Laurent, Benjamin C. Pierce, Marco Stronati, Andrew Tolmach.
25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 15 – 19 October 2018, Toronto, Canada.
Abstraction-based Temporal Data Retrieval for a Clinical Data Repository
Andrew Post, Ana Nora Sovarel, James Harrison
Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Symposium. Chicago, IL, November 10-14 2007.
Where's the FEEB?: The Effectiveness of Instruction Set Randomization
[PDF] [HTML] [over 200 cites]
Ana Nora Sovarel, David Evans, Nathanael Paul.
14th USENIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, MD, August 1–5, 2005
Short Papers
An Oracle Language for Autonomous Vehicles
[Abstract] [Poster] [Video Presentation]
Ana Nora Evans, Mary Lou Soffa, Sebastian Elbaum
ICSE 2020 Poster Session. July 2020.
Software Fault Isolation For Robust Compilation
[Abstract] [Poster]
Ana Nora Evans
POPL 2018 Student Research Competition. Los Angeles, CA, January 11-12 2018.
Formally Secure Compilation of Unsafe Low-Level Components [pdf] Guglielmo Fachini, Cătălin Hriţcu, Marco Stronati, Ana Nora Evans, Théo Laurent, Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Benjamin C. Pierce, Andrew Tolmach PriSC 2018 Principles of Secure Compilation at POPL 2018,

Empirical Study of Unsafe Use in Rust (2018 – 2019)
SECOMP (2017) External collaborator, worked with Catalin Hritcu and Marco Stronati).
Automatic Identification and Protection of Security-Critical Data (2006)
FEEB: Instruction Set Randomization (2005)
Math Lectures for Second Grade [Materials]
Guest Lecture Peabody Second Grade, April – May, 2020.
Transformations [ Materials]
Guest Lecture Robotics For Software Engineers, April 2020.
An Introduction to Mutation Analysis [Google Slides] Dependable Systems Group. Charlottesville, VA. 13 April 2018.
Context Free Grammars - Parsing [Google Slides] Guest Lecture CS 4620. Charlottesville, VA. 7 September 2017.
Using Verified Software Fault Isolation for a Formally Secure Compiler [Google Slides]
Prosecco Reading Group. INRIA Paris, France. 2 August 2017.
Paper presentation: Inferring Annotations For Device Drivers From Verification Histories. Notes: [PDF]
Software Engineering Research Group Talk, Charlottesville, VA. 6 February 2017.
Introduction to Separation Logic [PDF]
Research Group Talk, Charlottesville, VA. 6 October 2016.
Topologically Trivial Legendrian Knots [PPTX] [PDF]
MATH 8720 Symplectic and Contact Topology, Charlottesville, VA. 28 April 2011.
Abtsract Weights [PDF]
MATH 8710 Lie Algebras, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Nov 17, 2010
An Untangled Introduction to Knot Theory [PPTX]
Math Club Talk, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 12 February 2010
Identification and Protection of Security Critical Data [PPT]
Masters Project Presentation, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 6 June 2006.
The Effectiveness of Instruction Set Randomization [PPT]
14th USENIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, MD. 1 – 5 August 2005.
The Effectiveness of Instruction Set Randomization [PPT] [PDF]
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Work in Progress, 9 May 2005.

I am Romanian. Before moving to Virginia, I lived in Bucharest, Romania.
In Summer 2010, I went to the World Cup in South Africa. (Pictures)
My daughter, Dorina Michelle Evans, was born on June 29, 2012.
On July 4th 2013, I became a US citizen. (Pictures).
My son, Maxwell Nicholas Evans, was born on March 18, 2015.
In November 2019, I earned a first dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
My husband, David Evans wrote two books: Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines and Dori-Mic and the Universal Machine!.